It's a reminder of one of the hotel's most sordid episodes.
But its endorsement of the system that produced this sordid episode detracts from the future usefulness of the report.
For five long years, she had held him off, making him pay for that sordid episode in the dower house a hundred times over.
Leon had said many things to her, even going so far as to touch upon the sordid episode in the dower house.
Emily Post could have responded to the whole sordid episode in several ways.
But that uncertainty might give educational value to the whole sordid episode.
Second was the whole sordid episode in which the company tailed Ralph Nader.
His death concluded a sordid episode in Utah's history much written about at the time.
Finally, this whole sordid episode might open a new category of collectible.
In the end, the Prime Minister emerged from this sordid episode with more dignity than the dons.