Andy Katzenmoyer, the Buckeyes' sophomore middle linebacker, made 9 unassisted tackles and was part of 11, a total that tied the most in his career.
Anderson's wife attended Penn State and his son, Jeff, is a sophomore linebacker for the Nittany Lions.
"He told us to sit up straight, put our hands on our knees and take the hats off," said Stephen Boyd, a sophomore linebacker at the time.
Jeff, a sophomore linebacker, will not be playing against his father's team because of rehabilitation from an injury.
"I had to change my mattress instead of my sheets; it was soaked," said John McLaughlin, a sophomore linebacker.
Then Unsworth, a sophomore linebacker, went to work.
The sophomore linebacker Derrick Johnson should follow a terrific rookie season - 83 tackles - and be the playmaker of a swarming unit.
The sophomore linebacker Joe Galazzo has 12 tackles.
Dhani Jones, a sophomore linebacker, has led the defense in tackles for the past three games and is second among the Wolverines with 46.
Two weeks ago, Tom Phillips, a sophomore linebacker, was paralyzed from the chest down while making a tackle during a scrimmage against Newton High School.