Each night in her dreams, at least once, she saw the Tower in that photograph standing at the end of its field of roses, sooty gray-black stone against a troubled sky where the clouds streamed out in four directions, along the two Beams that still held.
He went up the hillock to the first pile of rubble, then began tossing aside sooty stones.
Moiraine was already there, and the other Wise Ones, and Aviendha, all bare-skinned and sweating, sitting around a large iron kettle full to the brim with sooty stones.
Mr. Halley is represented by a large, uncharismatic hollow plastic half-sphere, like a bowl waiting to be filled; Mr. Crawford, by a totemic bronze that at least complements the sooty stone and rising lines of the church itself.
For one flickering moment he seemed to catch an ' image from the mind of the other one he found both exciting and disturbing: an enormous tower constructed of dark and sooty stone, standing in a field of red roses.
The flames swam, flared up, sank away, brightened again against the sooty stone, against the dark sky, against the pale sky, the gulfs of evening, the depths of air and light beyond the world.
Olsen also regarded as highly significant that only 9 meters from the south door of the building was an oval pit containing ash, charcoal, fragments of animal bone, and sooty stones.
Most of the outbuildings were but heaps of old ash and tumbled, sooty stones, and the hall itself, wherein had been dispensed so much cheer from year to year, was a smoke-blackened ruin.
He had to struggle to keep from laughing as the twelve humans were driven from their fire by a barrage of sooty stones.
There were flowers growing there among the sooty stones, yellow, white, and blue.