She stood still, hands at her sides, then wiped her sooty face and turned and started walking, keeping to the center of the dead streets.
I touched one sooty hand to my sooty face.
Josua stood and stared for a long while, sooty face streaked by the rain.
After a while, Lark found a handkerchief and used it on her sooty face.
It was a desolate, cratered face, sooty with care like an abandoned mining town.
They turned their heads and grinned at each other's sooty faces.
She waved and saw his relieved smile, teeth white in a sooty face.
The workers are played by a roster of some 50 mostly minority children, large and small, with tattered clothing and sooty faces.
The bloody red scar across his left cheek was indistinguishable on his black sooty face.
Frank asked, taking in the man's sooty face and dirty clothes.