They skirted a clump of black crystals floating in a sooty cloud, and Picard reminded himself that it was also dangerous business.
He wiped the sweat from his face and ignored the discomfort, concentrating instead on the river ahead, which was obscured by a bank of sooty clouds.
The dragon puffed a small sooty cloud of gray smoke to show what he thought of the idea.
It was a livid sky, and sooty clouds were scudding across it.
Drawn over them in ink are webs of images: topographical maps snarled with architectural forms, sooty clouds of dots and dashes like aerial views of population centers.
There were gaps in the sooty clouds, places where he could see the reddish haze of high-level ash and occasional splotches of blue.
We could see the sooty black clouds from the burning oil, but there's more to this than meets the eye.
Huge black sooty clouds obscured the Fang and the southernmost portion of the heavens.
These smoke-plumes, ascending from unseen sources within the walls, blended at high altitude into a sooty cloud smeared by the morning breeze all across the lightening eastern sky.
- from The Secret Sits, by Robert Frost Chapter 1 A torment of sooty cloud scudded out of the mountainous barrens of southeastern Newfoundland.