Classical music played a soothing melody in the background.
The breeze was gentle and the surf's cascading a soothing melody.
With a soothing melody, they are used to reassure a bride and to console a friend (Rixhon 1974a:51).
Music wafted through the air; a soft, soothing melody played on an ancient instrument called the harp.
His manner is serious, even mournful; a soothing melody accompanies him.
The sound of the engine was like a soothing melody in her ears.
The song is more similar to Am I Dreaming, in the sense that both feature a soothing tropical melody.
The track's soothing melody and the narration in the beginning of the track allows the 90's radio kids to reminiscence about their past.
The soothing melody of the crickets enveloped him.
She missed the soothing melody his words provided, yet was relieved they no longer teased and tormented her.