Eno was finally not credited as producer but as provider of "sonic landscape".
She needed a sonic landscape for this new vision, and luckily for Madonna, one was bursting into view.
Once you get past the initial idiosyncrasy of the album's sonic landscape, I think it's pretty hard to resist.
It certainly created an exciting sonic landscape through which the cast moved with authority.
It is based on a sonic landscape that is unconstrained by reality.
The entire sonic landscape teetered on the precipice of wholesale evolution.
Seriously, there isn't an artist today that hasn't been inspired by his sonic landscapes, innovative production techniques, or his "discovery" of ambient music.
Listening to this CD is like walking through a huge tapestry, a sonic landscape that covers the entire range of human experience.
Austin TV creates sonic landscapes with their music without lyrics.
His sonic landscapes evoke not moonlit lakes but the uncharted regions of the inner life.