At his best, his songs reveal a delicate, personal beauty seldom heard in pop music.
Onstage, the band at first seems ramshackle, but each song reveals a new bit of nuttiness.
The album's four original songs (out of 11) reveal him to be a promising composer, but each piece points him in a different direction.
Its 13 songs reveal the longings and struggles of one who is trying to live up to godly ideals.
The songs are simplistic but still reveal an imaginative, sensitive mind at work.
Thus it is perhaps understandable that his songs often reveal his working-class background.
She went on to say: "the optimistic songs reveal a bit more of me because that's how I feel.
The song revealed a jazz influence, unlike their later work.
The songs on The River reveal a tension between the need for community and the need to be alone.
A song during his story reveals that he lives in the slums.