This song should not be confused with "It's a Sin", another popular song of the same era.
In it, the group mentions that the album contains many beats from other songs popular of the era.
The term shídàiqǔ literally means "songs of the era" in Mandarin.
It is considered one of the first anti-nuclear songs of the post-war era.
She was known as an author of many popular songs of the Soviet era.
It immediately became one of the defining songs of the era.
It became a staple at parties and one of the most popular and identifiable songs of the era.
There have been numerous polls in the year following the Madchester movement to find the best song of the era.
The wreck had a profound effect on communities in northern Italy and was remembered in popular songs of the era.
There's nothing wrong with these CD's: some of the most timeless songs of the era are here.