"A good song embodies the feelings of the mob," he once said.
The song was unlike anything she had previously released and really embodies the diversity within this project.
The song embodied a mutual frustration within the band towards ignorance and the destruction of the human mind.
But for several generations of listeners, those songs embody the sound of Hawaii, at least in part.
The song truly embodied a more mature and confident woman, with sultrier lyrics and a thumping hip-hop beat to accompany it.
The scenes and the song embody the promise of the mid- to late-seventies.
This song and performance embody the best qualities of the genre--raw emotion set to music.
He once said: "A good song embodies the feeling of the mob.
The song embodies the self-loathing and pain involved in being one of those "stupid girls."
The song embodies everything that characterized the rappers persona.