The song develops around piano notes that repeat throughout it.
Although initially a reminiscence for lost youth, the song develops a bitter undercurrent of jealous betrayal.
Most songs recount stories of real life events and Turkish folklore, or have developed through song contests between troubadour poets.
Eventually a new song, "There Was a Time", developed from the accumulated changes.
Another song developed partly through improvisation is "One More Night."
As the songs developed and appeared online, so did a rabid fan base.
This politically charged song and dance developed as a reaction to the conquest of Peru by Spain.
The song soon developed an independent life of its own, separate from the masque of which it had formed a part.
Each song has developed its own unique direction from vocal extravaganza to full line up with horns.
The song is a very simple song and started out as a guitar loop but developed into the song it is today.