A man named Shared rose up and gave battle to Coriamtumr, and brought him into captivity, but the sons of Coriamtumr released him.
His sons have subsequently released a number of rail videos, utilising footage captured by Belbin.
His son and his widow completed the film, based on his production notes, and released the film eight years later, in 1978.
Haggard's son, Noel Haggard, covered the song on his 1997 debut album, One Lifetime, and released it as his second single.
In early 2011, Jack Wong Sue's son, Barry, released a report which he stated refuted the claims made by Silver against his father.
In Switzerland, a pastor's son released his father's manuscript, a story keeping with the didactic nature of Swiss children's literature, in 1812 and 1813.
His son released his debut EP Wanted Dead Or Alive under the stage name "Bandit".
They helped Aida Rosado get her son, an intravenous-drug abuser with AIDS, released early from prison and settled in a residential treatment program.
(In 1996, Simmen's son released the pictures, showing Nationalist Chinese soldiers committing summary executions by decapitation and shooting, as well as public torture.)
The slightly stooped figure of Dai Ruiban appeared, and his son released Hessler.