Together they have a son, Harrison, born 26 October 2011.
He left a son, John, born in 1721, who died on 27 January 1796, aged 75.
A son born before Edmund who died of measles in infancy.
Some younger son, perhaps not even yet born at the time of Thu-Kimnibol's flight.
They have one son, Louis, born 23 April 1997.
The couple had a daughter, born in 1904, and a son born in 1906.
Their stormy marriage produced a son, Jason David, born in 1969.
The idea for the novel came, Robinson says, after her son was born in 1995, the year she turned 40.
The marriage did not last, but produced a son, Evan, born in in 1970.
Father and son + toy from Greater London but born in the caribbean respectively.