His first son, trained from boyhood to be King, admired and adored by all.
My one year old son usually adores Waybuloo but tonight completely switched off.
"My son adores McDonald's and Coke," Mr. Mathlouthi, 46, the father of two young boys, acknowledged in an interview.
Benjamin, my three year-old son, and his cousin Rosie, who lives nearby, adored going to see them on a daily basis.
"My son just adored these guys," said the 56-year-old producer.
Growing up on Long Island, the son of a newspaperman, Mr. Forbes, now 47, adored Bobby Kennedy.
More important, my sons adored her.
After six and a half years of marriage, her son and daughter-in-law still adore each other, Mrs. Levine said.
Bernabe did not adore baseball, but he embraced the sport when he realized that his sons adored it.
My son adored her as I'd adored my wife, and both of us had lost those magic, wonderful relationships.