The plot may also be considered somewhat unsatisfactory, with more happening to the characters than being done by them.
This somewhat unsatisfactory situation may be improved by DNA sequence analysis in the near future.
This solution is somewhat unsatisfactory, given that a judge may not always be present, and that "defensive play" is a subjective notion.
Viewpoints varied widely, some calling it a tawdry display of victor's justice, others a long-awaited, if somewhat unsatisfactory, accounting for sins too numerous to list.
Many international tourists would find the toilet facilities somewhat unsatisfactory.
That's a form of immortality, although I consider it somewhat unsatisfactory.
The Declaration was generally viewed as a somewhat unsatisfactory compromise between the widely differing wishes of various states.
This somewhat unsatisfactory state of affairs awaits resolution with DNA based methods.
This passage is somewhat unsatisfactory in its lack of certainty and in the wide discretion it appears to leave to the courts.
This arrangement proved somewhat unsatisfactory, as these two agencies were, in effect, one large agency, sharing both personnel and management.