That link, somewhat tenuous, comes from birds who traditionally mate on February 14.
This created a somewhat tenuous relationship relationship between Crespin and her country's musical establishment which extended into the early portion of her career.
The league has a somewhat tenuous existence.
She shaped up, getting the hang of it, and became a somewhat tenuous naked woman.
However, this is a somewhat tenuous line of reasoning and relies, for the most part, on inference.
It would not be long before some would take his ideal of autonomy one step further and dispense with this somewhat tenuous God altogether.
At least, that is the claim, the link being somewhat tenuous.
Despite constitutional guarantees, certain aspects of democracy were somewhat tenuous, he considered.
The derivation of the Aipocerataceae is somewhat tenuous.
He had forbidden her to say goodbye to him, which made leavetaking somewhat tenuous.