It is somewhat simplistic, but is accurate enough to provide an understanding of how the holographic process works.
What elevates this somewhat simplistic production, which plays through tomorrow afternoon, is the dancing, pure and simple.
This general description is somewhat simplistic because there are many factors that cloud the position.
To this point, everything was done in parallel editing and the somewhat simplistic suspense seems entirely conventional.
The contrast sketched above is, of course, somewhat simplistic.
I myself don't accept this somewhat simplistic portrait of his life from childish imagination to adult realism.
While these claims are somewhat simplistic generalizations, they were not a bad approximation of the real picture.
To say that school uniforms prevent children from teasing others who don't have nice clothes is a somewhat simplistic viewpoint.
However, some consider rapid prototyping to be a somewhat simplistic type of model.
The real question may be: Can't one knuckleheaded barber in a sweet, somewhat simplistic film spout off?