Her only "friend" during that ordeal became food, and she became somewhat overweight, but later lost the weight due to anorexia.
Of average height and somewhat overweight, Evans was well dressed, a skilled speaker, and very ambitious.
The lawyer was large and somewhat overweight; the unhealthy shade of red in his cheeks might be due to that, rather than to displeasure.
Its driver looked back over his shoulder: angry, middle-aged, sweaty, and somewhat overweight.
These problems were overcome, but the problem of the aircraft being somewhat overweight proved insoluble, and development was abandoned.
He seemed quick and strong enough, if somewhat overweight and sluggish on the swings.
He was a short, somewhat overweight man who gave the quite accurate impression of being indecisive and easily led.
Since most of the people are somewhat overweight, this becomes a hot topic to talk about.
Ben Jones: He is somewhat overweight, and reads comic books.
He is somewhat overweight, and his wife often makes him diet, which he dislikes.