This could be somewhat ominous, since Morgan's business, according to Mr. Griffin, tends to move up or down before the economy at large.
Both the automaker and the union made somewhat ominous statements about their relationship on Tuesday, suggesting that their recent cooperation is fraying.
"This absence of clear evidence or clear indications is somewhat ominous," one prosecutor said.
"Being the sole person responsible for both sides of the business can be a somewhat ominous and lonely prospect," he said yesterday in an interview.
There was a certain commotion, then a silence dropped over that end of the room, a silence that seemed somewhat ominous.
Its contents were labeled, in a somewhat ominous way, as "Boombah's Head."
This section shares some of the aggressive, somewhat ominous atmosphere of a tropical rain forest.
In it, Boland makes the past palpable and alluring, if also somewhat ominous.
And the movie's film clips reveal him to be a confident, if somewhat ominous, screen action hero.
Considering your unremitting and frequently irrelevant verbosity, I found that somewhat ominous.