Mr. Kernan's tongue, the occasional stinging pain of which had made him somewhat irritable during the day, became more polite.
It is normal for your growing child to be moody or somewhat irritable as he or she moves through adolescence.
Of a high-strung and nervous temperament, Brewster was somewhat irritable in matters of controversy; but he was repeatedly subjected to serious provocation.
Of a sanguine, somewhat irritable temperament, Davy displayed characteristic enthusiasm and energy in all his pursuits.
The voice was a man's, nasal, somewhat irritable.
Lady Westholrne and Dr. Gerard had a somewhat irritable argument over the League of Nations.
Mr. Fishy: A proper, somewhat irritable herring.
He was small and plump, somewhat irritable and a dreadful snob, but a very good bespoke tailor, and quite the most expensive in Hobart Town.
He had almost finished his second cup when David Merritt strode in, looking as fit as always but somewhat irritable.
After a morning spent racing around Flemington's outlet stores, shopping and compiling mental gift lists for people on my holiday list, I was hungry and somewhat irritable.