I. orjenii appears somewhat intermediate, in height of stem, colour of flowers and consistence of spathes.
Those from Bangka Island appear somewhat intermediate between the two subspecies.
Birds on Mount Pinos are somewhat intermediate.
Its fruit is somewhat intermediate between the two sold as P. edulis.
Small, somewhat intermediate between P. o. phoenicuroides and P. o. gibraltariensis.
In fact, a newly-discovered species of Platychasma is somewhat intermediate between the two genera, suggesting that this subfamily might actually be monotypic.
As its common name implies, it is a cyprinid looking somewhat intermediate between a barbel and a gudgeon.
The name alludes to somewhat intermediate character between MAGnetite and HEMatite.
Africa is somewhat intermediate in this respect.
These results exemplify the fact that the Nash category is somewhat intermediate between the smooth and the algebraic categories.