While the galaxy's overall organization is irregular, there is a somewhat indistinct spiral arm structure at one end of the main disc.
The borders of this feature are somewhat indistinct.
They also have two prominent hind spinnerets, and somewhat indistinct bands on their legs.
The logo began as a somewhat indistinct charcoal rendering of the mountain ringed with superimposed stars.
The appearance of Azuth seems to be somewhat indistinct, he often manifests simply as an elderly voice or shimmering blue luminescence.
This is a perennial herb which is variable in appearance, with four somewhat indistinct varieties.
T'Pol turned her head and saw two figures, both of them far enough away to appear somewhat indistinct.
The notes are old and somewhat indistinct.
During this period, membership in the English baronage, formerly a somewhat indistinct group, became restricted to those who received a personal summons to parliament.
In fact, the requirements for children participating in clinical trials are somewhat indistinct, with freedom to vary both between countries and within countries.