Alfred, on originally reading the text, was somewhat indignant at the woman's tone, feeling sure his people were being unfairly maligned.
"It isn't dreadful at all," said Betsy, somewhat indignant.
"Of course I speak the truth," she said gazing up at Offer, somewhat indignant.
That brought them all in a hurry, Molly, somewhat indignant at the patronizing, charging right through.
Bentley said that he was shunned by the GOP regulars who "seemed somewhat indignant because we had not consulted the Republican leadership before we joined."
He felt as he had done when a small boy and rain or some other calamity of nature had kept him from a picnic, resentful and somewhat indignant.
Crushed, and somewhat indignant, the politician did as he was ordered.
'Sir,' said Mr. Pickwick, somewhat indignant at the very sudden manner in which Mr. Peter Magnus had conjugated himself into the imperative mood, 'I decline answering that question.'
We are surprised, and somewhat indignant, at the approach advocated by the Commission, which sets efficiency against democracy.
Mr President, Commissioner, you were somewhat indignant that Parliament is addressing this question, but is it really just an administrative act?