The book is hampered somewhat by the author's decision not to anchor the story in a specific time and place.
The job is hampered somewhat by the curiosity of the animals.
However, such efforts are somewhat hampered by the lack of a large, historically important central business district in the city.
The station continued to grow during the 1980s, but was somewhat hampered by problems with its signal.
This mode is hampered somewhat by the fact that all human players must play on the same console, and hence can see each other's hands.
Test results showed greater than expected drag, somewhat hampering the aircraft's maximum speed.
There was a short flurry of activity; somewhat hampered by shattering boxes everywhere.
He climbed in, hampered somewhat by the cast.
The old peer took several somewhat hampered steps, and she noticed that his red slippers were heelless.
The first resolution of Synod was somewhat hampered by lack of documents.