If all this sounds somewhat grim and clinical, it's not.
My adventure had finally led me to Gallery 77, in a somewhat grim foyer off the museum's 77th Street exit.
Being an old socialist, there is a somewhat grim satisfaction of watching capitalism eat itself from within.
"Infinite are the arguments of mages," Vetch quoted, with a smile that was somewhat grim.
Then the security officer got up, with what he knew to be an air of somewhat grim determination, and seized his fiancee's hands, anticipating a struggle.
He tossed his keys in his hands, then gave her a somewhat grim smile.
Not long ago, this was a somewhat grim, gray stretch.
Amphitryon was somewhat grim, as usual, and had little to say.
The breed has an unusual, somewhat grim expression due to the shape of the eyes, which marks it as different from other dog breeds.
Despite being relatively young, the responsibility of his duties gives Steven a somewhat grim and weathered appearance.