As a result, this water is initially somewhat depleted in oxygen.
The rent wasn't high; for Sidney's income had been somewhat depleted during the past year, because of debts he owed.
But Tharbel did not care if the funds were somewhat depleted.
Our finances are somewhat depleted at the moment.
Just beyond it was a stack of boxes, depleted somewhat because the crooks had taken some of the pile to use for chairs.
The library at that time had a total of 750 arrangements which is now somewhat depleted to a total of 550.
Even the atmosphere of Jupiter is somewhat depleted of neon, presumably for this reason.
Another is to restrict what you eat so that glycogen stores are always somewhat depleted and the body must turn to fat to meet its needs.
"Our ranks are somewhat depleted," the host said.
Although now depleted somewhat, mining still yields around two million tonnes annually.