A somewhat convoluted plot evolves.
The 14th Light Horse Regiment has a somewhat convoluted lineage.
Given the somewhat convoluted menu/icon system, this is a good way to get to things like the e-mail app right away.
During the somewhat convoluted movement, she inadvertently pulled off the gold chain he was wearing.
Sproule went on in a somewhat convoluted manner, explaining the merits of the government's case, then the merits of the defense.
The Court then went into a lengthy and somewhat convoluted discussion as to how this definition applies to a stock dividend.
Her core beliefs were 'I have no right to be alive' and, with somewhat convoluted logic, 'I am being forced to stay alive as a punishment for being born.'
The choke ditch and the gap between the flange faces together form a somewhat convoluted side-branch to the path of the main guide.
In the interview, Mr. Serrano gave a somewhat convoluted explanation for his actions.
ArtWatch's somewhat convoluted Mission Statement sets out its aims: 'To serve as an international advocate for the circumspect conservation and stewardship of historically significant works of art..