While quite similar to a normal potentiometer, digital potentiometers are somewhat constrained by current limits in the tens of milliamperes.
But unlike children, who can learn any language they are exposed to, the musical language of most birds is somewhat constrained by their genetic heritage.
She still looked agitated, and during the meal there was a somewhat constrained silence.
The brain regions of interest are somewhat constrained by the size of the voxels.
One disadvantage of using lectionaries is that the church and preacher are somewhat constrained by the lectionary's rules.
"Miss Beatrice," he said in a somewhat constrained voice.
III Dinner that evening was a somewhat constrained meal.
In their struggle, both candidates are somewhat constrained by the Federal budget deficit.
The king (or queen) theoretically was an absolute monarch, but royal powers were somewhat constrained by a strong aristocracy.
Tonight, when we met, she was somewhat constrained, and bore all the signs of an internal struggle.