Its meteoric rise to prominence in the world media is somewhat baffling when compared to another, generally overlooked hospital-acquired bug that's been going around, Clostridium difficile.
On the surface, a strike is a somewhat baffling tactic, since it hurts the Palestinian businessmen themselves.
The mathematics of this is somewhat baffling - but it works.
As a result, the show may prove somewhat baffling to those unacquainted with Mr. Eggleston's talent for revealing the pictorial potentials of unprepossessing sights.
One Wall Street analyst also called the choice somewhat baffling, but for different reasons: Mr. Sykes lacks radio experience.
Which, incidentally, makes it somewhat baffling why he wanted to delay the wealthy man being declared legally dead in the first place.
Mr. Andersen, who served as an editor at large and columnist at Time magazine in 1993 after leaving Spy, said his dismissal was "somewhat baffling.
Nationally, asthma rates have undergone a dramatic and somewhat baffling rise, a rise doctors say is more pronounced among the urban poor.
The amount of unseen/unheard material I have collected over the years is somewhat baffling.
The decision not to be overtly personal renders the confessional material somewhat baffling; we're being asked to bond with a construct.