AS dance careers go, Hans Kriefall's was somewhat atypical.
It is flared at the sides and may be scalloped, although this feature is somewhat atypical of the species as a whole.
This winter has been somewhat atypical for Buffalo, with a steadier shroud of snow.
With his long legs and unelegant style, he is known in Denmark as a somewhat atypical striker.
As with other CUP presentations, the pattern of spread of these malignancies is somewhat atypical.
Such a trajectory is somewhat atypical for asteroids.
Last Friday night, Matt Mancini was a somewhat atypical pumpkin.
"If you have never done so I shall be inclined to think of you as a somewhat atypical young man."
The company is also notable for choosing somewhat atypical engine configurations.
As Metro 2033 aims to be immersive, the gameplay and interface are somewhat atypical.