Ms. Lester said her fears were allayed somewhat when another rapper, the Notorious B.I.G., then a friend of Mr. Shakur, told her not to worry.
For a moment the pangs of hunger were somewhat allayed; but some of us revolted against the loathsome food, and were seized either with violent nausea or absolute sick- ness.
My worries about how long this exercise would continue were somewhat allayed by Mr. Hennessy's admission that he had not intended to use every prop in the first five minutes.
The dangers inherent in this situation were allayed somewhat by the actions of other embassies, including those of Spain and Costa Rica, which agreed to accept a small number of refugees.
Their fears were somewhat allayed when it was pointed out that Michelangelo had painted a navel on Adam in his Sistine Chapel murals.
At the same time she was in general "so bright and tender and thoughtful" that his fears were somewhat allayed.
Their fears were somewhat allayed.
She got taken away a-dragonback," Piemur added, his pleasure in her departure somewhat allayed by the prestigious manner of her going.
The market's concerns about inflation were also somewhat allayed by an article in The Wall Street Journal yesterday about Federal Reserve policy.
Economists' concerns were allayed somewhat by figures that showed imports rising and exports falling late in the year.