Root finds this somewhat alarming, since Beck's the guy in charge of keeping everyone on the boat alive.
He likes his rebels, even if at times he finds them somewhat alarming.
Winnie felt that this could lead to somewhat alarming disclosures which might be regretted by all.
This somewhat alarming sight caused the dog to leap to its feet.
But the disclosure that he would begin chemotherapy instead of first having surgery was seen by some medical experts as somewhat alarming.
There was something distinctly unreal, and somewhat alarming, about the world around him.
The emptiness and stillness of the great rooms was somewhat alarming.
I found this somewhat alarming, yet the basket's owner simply shrugged and threw the ball back into play.
"It's somewhat alarming," he said of the encephalitis outbreak.
The rate of technological change in our society can be somewhat alarming at times.