Like contemporary 1960s researchers such as J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallée, Keel was initially hopeful that he could somehow validate the prevailing extraterrestrial visitation hypothesis.
But we never really meet any of these people; this Magnani is wallowing in herself, waiting to see if a hollow Hollywood award will somehow validate her existence.
I loathe this lazy journalism where namechecking a celebrity or two somehow validates something.
As though it will somehow validate me, preserve me, join me to other minds, for writing is, after all, incorporeal, as incorporeal as I am myself.
The greeter had clocked the valet accepting Larry's keys, which somehow validated him for Official Greetee status.
Perhaps as the ship's second-in-command, Hobbes somehow validated the enterprise.
I've spoken with Ms Gold, and we think your mother has somehow cooked up this plan - this institution thing - to somehow validate everything she's ever done to you.
If we somehow validate the "rescue" before the colony ship sets down, we could limit the settlers to that part they have worked.
Are they strictly salacious, or do they also somehow validate the status quo?
Above all else, they loved to sign their acts of violence with a flourish, taking credit for atrocities as if the very act of spilling blood would somehow validate their empty lives.