It somehow increased a comforting feeling of mutual support.
Some experts worry that taking the pill during the early reproductive years may somehow increase the risk of breast cancer.
"Both ideas came out of the impulse to somehow increase the productivity and reduce the costs of traditional education."
By juggling the time, one does not somehow magically increase the day length.
The Top soon discovers that the spinning somehow increased his intelligence as well, allowing him to create a variety of trick tops.
There were fines and two suspensions, but they seemed only to somehow increase his popularity.
In fact, it seemed just the opposite, as if the Fury ships were somehow increasing the impact of the weapons against their sides.
And if the hormonal waves accompanying anger tax the immune system, many scientists suspect, they might somehow increase vulnerability to cancer.
A large, perfectly formed mouth that somehow increased the appearance of sensuality.
Obviously the contents are under pressure, but does agitating them somehow increase the pressure?