But the charm and vitality that somehow eluded the movie cameras made her one of television's biggest stars for three decades.
It was understandable that the obituaries, shoehorned into the newspaper late last month, would somehow elude most people.
In pain, Tom stumbles back to the family's quarters, somehow eluding his pursuers.
Everyone wants to know if Martin will reconsider, go full time once more and race for the championship that has somehow eluded him.
At age seventy-five, Ogilvy was asked if anything he'd always wanted had somehow eluded him.
The elation he had expected to feel on finding the killer somehow eluded him.
Is there a serious space shortage that somehow eluded us?
At the time I had wondered why this main theme somehow always eluded me, why the great events never materialized.
But the right words somehow eluded him, like a cat that refuses to come in when called.
Could she somehow elude the cops in traffic?