Stupidly she went to stir the empty blankets as if they could somehow conceal her daughter.
He looked at each word on the screen in turn, as though frightened that the short message could somehow conceal a hidden negation.
Maybe if I had a little electric outboard let down through the hull, and concealed somehow, I could count on drifting to exactly where I would have to be.
Booksellers cited rising thefts in their stores, often by professional thieves who somehow conceal and pilfer a dozen books at a time.
And those lenses, transparent though they were, somehow concealed the thoughts and emotions behind them.
If the cadet has a secret identity they are required to somehow conceal their identity (i.e. a mask, goggles, a helmet, shape-changing or some form of concealment).
You are telling me that my mother just happens to keep a sawn-off shotgun under her ' wheelchair for blowing away SWAT teams, a habit which she somehow concealed from me during my childhood and upbringing while she was a political activist and then the wife of a radical bookstore manager-" "No!
Besides, if she had managed to somehow conceal the plasma-beam data, she would hand it over to the Klingons once they captured her.
Delonte was somehow concealing two handguns and a shotgun while riding a freakin' motorcycle.
The necessity of living concealed somehow, for God knows how long, which assailed him on his return to consciousness, made everything that had gone before for years appear vain and foolish, like a flattering dream come suddenly to an end.