Glancing down and lifting the hem of her skirt a chaste few inches off the ground, Laurel discovers she has somehow blundered into one of the thorny vines.
She felt that the whole situation was swinging against her,--that she had somehow blundered and made herself ridiculous.
The sectional Committee to whom you sent for a general order of search thought that you had blundered somehow, so they sent me to put things right.
Those trials had been cut short only a minute later by an incredible mishap: a fifty-ton right whale had somehow blundered in her path, and the Politovskiy had rammed the unfortunate creature broadside.
But Innocent had somehow blundered on the discovery that her thrifty dressmaking went with a considerable feminine care for dress--the one feminine thing that had never failed her solitary self-respect.
"Ah, carpaccio di pesce," he says reprovingly, as if you have somehow blundered.
Yet he felt he had blundered somehow.