Another is that a crack in the third rail somehow allowed the electric current to be diverted.
Senior members of the ruling family reject the idea that they somehow allowed the education system to help shape extremists.
"Despite the fact that he somehow allowed the substance into his body, I think everybody should have a little compassion."
Along with them went a conviction that the drug somehow allowed me access to a capacity for happiness long suppressed and forgotten.
So let's say the tricksy government has a secret algorithm that somehow allows them to weaken the strength to one trillionth of the original.
Most Americans have no idea we somehow allowed the Canal to be given to Red China.
The alien drive somehow allows it to create bubbles in subspace in order to travel.
Fortunately the mysterious item somehow allows the PC to avoid the treacherous captain's control and kill him.
Her crystal pendant somehow allows her to communicate with Idola, a childhood friend.
By their very lack of rules or constraints, they somehow allow cooks to express the anxieties and fascinations of the period.