But soon it became conceivable, and then inevitable, that a woman would someday lead the 375,000-member group; the only questions were who and when.
He has grown up being told by his mother that he would someday lead the human race to beat the machines.
They've held me hostage here in the fort for nearly a month, knowing full well you would someday lead an attack.
With practice I may someday lead the Lakers to the championship.
But they said it could lead to the development of an artificial lung someday.
She is helping him with a project on protein folding that could someday lead to a medical breakthrough.
The finding could someday lead to better weight-loss weapons for people who have had little success fighting the battle of the bulge, researchers say.
Even as a child you impressed him as one who would someday lead.
Maybe it would someday lead to the development of light-rail service all the way to downtown Brooklyn.
Both researchers said that so far the importance of their findings had been in understanding basic mechanisms, although they might someday lead to practical applications.