Musically they would loosen up after the sombre music of their debut album.
Spread over two floors are audiovisual displays showing the processions by local brotherhoods, against a background of sombre music.
Television and radio broadcast only sombre music punctuated by news of the crash.
A news ident was also created featuring a darker sky, sombre music and all traces of Doctor Who removed.
Episodes that ended on a particularly sombre tone, such as "Monday-Tuesday" and "Yesterday's News", used only appropriately sombre music to accompany the end credits.
The sombre music and the lighting effects (by lighting designer Nicola Cernovitch) and brown and skin toned costuming help with this.
The somewhat bleak backdrop of the film fits snugly with Soybelman's sombre and heartfelt music.
They wear only black, eat only bland food, listen and play only sombre music and have no electricity in their house.
During his last decade he not only wrote more serious, even sombre music, but experimented with chromaticism in a daring manner surpassed only by Gesualdo.
Should write plays thyself, Mistress Celia," said Buckingham, 'thou art so witty," before changing the sombre music he was performing into a wild jig.