There was noble austere music in the heavens now, awesome choirs of brass playing solemn and somber melodies suitable for the robing-ceremony of a Coronal.
One high soprano echoed the somber melody.
It received positive reviews from music critics, who noted the song's somber melody and raw lyrics.
They nearly bury their somber melodies beneath surface noise.
He plucks shifting, percussive accents; he plays somber melodies; he lingers over buzzing tremolos and then races to the far reaches of his range.
A distinctly more somber melody is used for the three haftarot preceding the ninth of Ab (the "three weeks".)
In the main section, a somber melody is presented over a relentless rocking rhythm.
Then a funeral march was played - very fine - the panmelodium sounding splendid amid the somber melodies of the automatic organs.
His fans and fellow musicians are drawn to somber melodies and to lyrics full of paradox and epiphany.
His peculiar style of electric guitar playing is widely-acclaimed; Byrds-like chiming arpeggios of repetitive and somewhat somber melodies with a hypnotic long-sustain tone.