A somber drama, a fantasy, two special children's movies and a hilarious caper stand out on the film roster this week.
This year, DreamWorks chose to schedule a somber psychological drama, "House of Sand and Fog," for the day after Christmas, deferring a bit to Miramax.
"Long Silence" is a somber and intense drama about a judge, his wife and an investigator who are murdered as they pursue inquiries into a massive bribery scandal.
Winning the hearts of the crowd that year was the film The Magdalene Sisters (Peter Mullan, England), a somber drama about female students in a Catholic institution.
Azizah, a poor peasant, portrays worker oppression in this somber social drama.
A somber social drama in which war orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school.
With Velazquez, it is the subdued light and color, the somber drama and, above all, the luxuriance of paint.
They are concentrating on the last moments in the first act of a somber and important-sounding drama about a dying mayor.
Fittingly, Irish filmmakers created a somber hagiographic drama based on Guerin's life and death.