This was always a solvency crisis, because it was clear four years ago that many banks were bust and would have gone under without the aid of governments.
But other damage related to a solvency crisis in the life insurance industry could not be so easily undone.
Q. Is a solvency crisis likely for any of the three industries you studied?
Rising debt levels later provoked fears of a solvency crisis.
At the very least, a solvency crisis that seemed to be pushing the company toward bankruptcy last year now seems much less likely.
There comes a point when a liquidity crisis, by pushing up a country's marginal cost of funding to distressed levels, morphs into a solvency crisis.
There is no one-size-fits-all yield at which a liquidity crisis becomes a solvency crisis.
It is not a liquidity crisis but a deep solvency crisis, reflecting the lack of international competitiveness of the Greek economy.
When money markets start to get scared, they dry up and the bank hits a liquidity crisis before it can even get to a solvency crisis.
Stimulus programmes work better in a liqudity crisis than in a solvency crisis 3.