Some operating system bugs were gradually being solved since its release; the last operating system upgrade (Version 1.03)* was introduced on January 15, 2007.
Finally, it began to grapple seriously with the gravest domestic problem it has tried to solve since civil rights: the high cost and diminishing availability of medical care.
While generally true this does not solve the difficulty in the case of John and Ruth since each of them may claim to be both a theoretical and a practical authority.
Mathematicians had vainly attempted to solve all of these problems since the time of the ancient Greeks.
Repetitive strain injury may be the scourge of the modern computerized workplace, but the engineers at Maltron Keyboards have been working on solving the problem since 1977.
Most Somalis welcomes the British effort to solve the Somali problem since Britain is part of the root cost Somali conflict.
Solving the city's worst financial dilemma since the 1970's requires acknowledging that it is in part New York-made.
Last Friday, the Rangers solved the Buffalo goaltender for the first time since 1996.
In season seven, in the 100th episode, Mr. Monk solved his 100th (and 101st) case since his wife's death, a milestone in his career.
That was engraved on the stock of the Speaking Gun;Abraxus Artificers, the old firm, solving problems since the beginning.