The ability to solve a Rubik's Cube quickly is often used as a way of establishing a character's high intelligence.
In 1982 a range of people got together to see who could solve a Rubik's Cube the fastest.
The book explains how to solve the Rubik's Cube.
There is a certain algorithm to solving every Rubik's Cube.
The system uses seven basic steps to solve a Rubik's Cube.
In order to learn a skill, such as solving a Rubik's Cube quickly, several factors come into play at once:
Directions help one learn the patterns of solving a Rubik's Cube.
The strategies for solving the puzzles are similar to those required to solve a Rubic's Cube.
He invented a method of solving the Rubik's Cube very quickly.
He also learned to solve the Rubik's Cube, an activity which his character completes in only one try.