Players said that Westhoff solved the problem of the outside wedge during the game.
Bob had a strong interest in racial diversity and solving racism issue during his tenure.
The official version is that Myachikov solved none crimes during last two months.
A problem confronted him which he had made up his mind to solve during his progress across the ice in the night.
It's the problem of structure he never solved during the whole period of the extended works.
Advancements in technology such as this will help solve cases, especially during the late decomposition stage.
He attempted to bring about reforms in banking to solve the problems of peasants during his working career.
Many attempts were made to solve this problem during the 1950s and 1960s.
Heavy emphasis is placed on the use of technology and hands-on problem solving during classroom instruction.
Completing development on a game is always a good feeling, says Levine, but compared to the reward of solving a problem during production, it's nothing.