The ABC was designed for a specific purpose, the solution of systems of simultaneous linear equations.
They also show that their method can be applied directly to the solution of linear systems of the Vandermonde type.
It prevents the numerical solution of systems with a high density of strongly-correlated electrons, such as the Hubbard model.
Most methods of solution of nonlinear systems of equations are iterative methods.
This package also allows the user to manipulate and study the solutions of such systems.
It also offers various commands for studying the real solutions of polynomial systems of positive dimension or with parameters.
He also anticipated the role played by digital computers in numerical solution of systems of linear equations.
In mathematics, inertial manifolds are concerned with the long term behavior of the solutions of dissipative dynamical systems.
Iterative and direct solution of linear systems.
The state-transition matrix can be used to obtain the general solution of linear dynamical systems.