The range of situations in which the problems and solutions addressed in a pattern apply is called its context.
No solution now being discussed, he said, either in the legislature or with the utilities themselves, really addresses his problem.
Responsible solutions for lasting economic recovery must also address long-term simplification of the tax code.
Their solution also addressed another problem with chat services - how to make it into a profitable business.
The solution does not address the user-interface-generation problem.
However, this solution does not address the problem of costs of delay known as demurrage which can be very substantial.
Any solution must address this issue, in a way that is simple to understand and is seen as fair - and thus politically feasible.
The sources of overcrowding vary across the city and solutions should address the root cause.
The technologies appealed to organizations that needed targeted, tactical solutions to address clearly defined problems.
A viable solution must address the tunnels across the borders, especially along the Philadelphia route, to prevent the smuggling of weapons.