Although the solo and the ensemble made effective points along the way, they lacked striking conclusions.
A solo made Patricia Tuthill seem a lively sophisticated woman.
Two solos made her seem to be someone inhabiting a world all her own.
Nevertheless, the solos made this choreographic showcase especially interesting.
Their round tones and crystalline solos, not the actors', make the most powerful impressions down here.
(He was right, and more solos made it on to the record than probably should have.)
As might be expected in an intimate setting, solos with dramatic content made especially strong impressions.
Another solo made David Hallberg look lost in thought.
Each solo flows from group dancing that is equally imagistic, and "Kick on 4" makes inspired use of the stage space.
Although it was evident that this woman was contending with many forces, the solo never made one sense their power or meaning.