Bren sat down to a gloomy and solitary breakfast.
Jantiff prepared to eat a solitary breakfast ... Footsteps.
And so she had eaten her solitary breakfast and then washed and dried the dishes.
This morning the creamy drink was dropped from his solitary breakfast.
Despair overtook him, and over a solitary breakfast, he shot himself in the head.
Instead of returning to his tent for a solitary breakfast, he went to the mess tent shared by all the kestra'chern.
Oh, well, he'd get the paper, fix his solitary breakfast and get to his desk.
Not exactly a honeymoon, she'd thought more than once when she settled down to a solitary breakfast, but it was a routine she could live with.
Over his solitary breakfast, Henry tried to figure out what might have upset her.
A solitary breakfast did not appeal to him, and he decided that a little pre-breakfast exercise might do him good.